Public Health
It Takes A Village
As a popular outdoor recreation destination, our communities are facing a unique challenge when it comes to managing COVID-19. We know that every personĀ plays a role in keeping our residents and visitors alike healthy. Please take the time to know before you go and take the simple steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Latest Info
A Safe & Healthy Halloween
A FEW SMALL CHANGES CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCEWhile some Halloween activities pose less risk this year due to the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, many traditions may still need to be revised to allow for fun but safe celebrations.
COVID Quarantine Calculator
New resource from central district healthWe encourage you to use the Isolation and Quarantine Calculator on this page and use the resources listed below. Questions about quarantine, isolation, self-care, and symptoms can also be directed to the CDH Call Center...
A great resouce from Central District Health to see how long you should quarantine or isolate based on your exposure and vaccination status.
A quick reference guide on what to do if one or more of your employees has been exposed or tested positive.
DECISION TREE (download)
A quick reference guide on what to do if you have been exposed, have symptoms, or have tested positive.